Korallenarchipel.de - Important about Los Roques

Important Los Roques

History Los Roques

The Los Roques National Park was established in 1973 and is strictly protected, so the coral islands in the Caribbean retained as long as possible. There are provisions for diving , construction may not exceed two storeys. In Los Roques, there are about 1500 people, almost all work in tourism or fishing. Los Roques was formerly used as a hideout by pirates, and later in the colonial treasures were buried by Spanish conquistadores.

Shops Los Roques

In Los Roques, there is an ATM, a pharmacy, a radio station, a medical center, a supermarket and bakery, a telecommunications center with Internet, etc.

High Season Los Roques

The high season is during the summer holidays, Christmas, New Year, Carnival in February and the Easter week, if you plan to travel to these dates you should be reserve a 6 month before to become the Posada of your wishes.

Turtle Station

On the two islands Los Mosquises is since 1976 a tortoise breeding center , about 1.5 hours of Gran Roques. In 24 years more than 13,000 turtles were released into the wild, mainly southwest of the coral archipelago of Los Roques. Since the year 2001 will be cared intensely about the preservation of the marine turtle. The islands are visited by marine biologists around the world.

Airport Tax

For all Venezuelan flights, a flight rate of approximately € 3 and charged admission to the Los Roques National Park is approximately 18 €. For the international departure you need 30 € w, which is the international departure tax in Maiquetia.


You should be your passport available all moments of your travel.


Los Roques map

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